On today’s show, Jonathan flips the roles around and interviews Rocket Roof Show host Andy Near, who is currently on vacation in Florida. What a time to talk about the uncertainty of the world with so much unknown revolving around so many important pieces of our every day lives. Uncertainty can absolutely cause our mindset to drift and cause us to worry and be anxious about many things. It can also be a major hindrance to both your personal and professional growth.
While it’s completely normal and healthy to worry from time to time, dwelling in the angst and unknown isn’t a good place to stay. And if you’re trying to run and build a successful business, it will be close to impossible to ensure great success when your mindset isn’t in a positive position. A positive mindset is the key to growth; no matter the area. While every season has the potential to bring a new uncertainty, it also allows you a new opportunity to push through despite the uncertainty and grow through each new experience.
A positive mindset doesn’t have to mean you are positive and upbeat 100% of the time, but it does mean that you’re able to look past the uncertainty and focus on all that continues to be good in life. Cultivating a positive mindset can happen anytime. It shouldn’t matter who the leader of our country or your state is. You can continue to grow a strong business despite who is in government leadership, because you will continue to be your own leader and in control of your own business. Making changes for the changing world and times is a good thing to consider as well, sometimes you need to figure out a new way to make the same old car work.
Expecting positive results from a negative mindset is an equation that just doesn’t make sense. Not only will your employees and customers feed off of your negative energy, but if you are constantly focusing on the negative, you will be far more likely to drag that negative into every aspect of your business and life. It’s ok to have doubts and concerns, that’s a healthy part of growth, but knowing when to change your perspective is an important part of not only a growing business, but keeping yourself happy and healthy as well.
If you have found yourself lying in worry more often than usual, there’s a few simple ways you can work to turn that around. First, find the positivity in your situation. While no situation is perfect, you can look to find ways to be optimistic about it and accept the things you cannot change. Also, learn how to be resilient and also grateful for the days and opportunities that have been given to you. Each day is a gift, and if you focus on your own integrity throughout each day, you can be confident you’re always giving it your best and your employees and business will continue to shine through.
Things may come about in unexpected ways and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. While unexpected answers can be a shock, they can often be the answer that we needed anyways despite what we thought we originally needed. Don’t let uncertainty be the reason you take a step back from growing your business, continue to push through despite your worry and you’ll feel great knowing you’re doing what is best for you and your business.
If you’ve been looking for good reads about personal development or boosting sales properly, we highly recommend looking into Zig Ziglar’s many books and courses or Frank Bettger’s wonderful book, “How I Raised Myself from Failure to Success in Selling”.
Special thanks to our sponsor Top Roof Marketing, a full-service marketing group that specializes in the commercial roofing industry.
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